
Without workshop presenters Skirting Science would not happen.  Workshop presenters take time out from their busy schedules so that the girls can learn from their experiences.  Skirting Science does not have a budget to pay the presenters so relies on their good will alone.  In our opinion this makes them special people!

Since Skirting Science began in 2009 there have been lots of different workshops.  Click here to see a full list.

If you’re female, a science professional and would like to deliver a workshop at a future event: great!  We’d love to hear from you!  Click here to fill out a form and request more information.

If your undecided and would like more information follow one these links:

Why Present a Workshop? Hear what workshop presenters have said about their Skirting Science experience.

Workshop Presenters Guidance. Tips, ideas and information to help you plan and deliver an engaging workshop.