‘I found the experience enlightening and most informative and would happily do the workshop again.’
‘Science is involved in everything and can be fun!’
A huge effort was put into organising Skirting Science and we’re pleased to say it paid off! The event was a collaboration between Soroptimists International, Wyvern Community School, Weston College and the North Somerset Independent State School Partnership. It provided a unique educational and aspiration raising opportunity for nearly 200 Year 9 girls from 11 schools. The girls got to choose from 20 different workshops covering a diverse range of science careers: from paramedics to body armour. The girls had a great day:
‘I have enjoyed all of the activities I have done today, it was a great experience.’
A lot of the girls had their eyes opened to the wide range of science careers:
‘Science is involved in everything and can be fun!’
The teachers were also very positive about the experience. This teacher’s feedback was typical:
‘The students greatly enjoyed Skirting Science. One very turned off student came back from the paramedics glowing. It has made them realise they can work with other people.’